• Do get a professional broker to sell your pharmacy. The process of selling a pharmacy can be emotional, and this often clouds a vendor’s judgment.
  • Do use a solicitor who is familiar with pharmacy transactions. This helps to ensure the process is managed efficiently. Furthermore, it is important to keep regular contact with your solicitor to help move the process along. We will assist you in doing this.
  • Do maintain confidentiality throughout the sales process. This is in your best interest.
  • Do read and implement our brochure on preparing a business for sale, particularly concerning stock and consumables.
  • Don’t interact with the purchasers in any way; always work through a broker.
  • Don’t give advice to the incoming owner. Everybody does things differently, and in many cases, the incoming owner wants to make changes they believe will improve the business.
  • Don’t book a holiday just after the settlement date; settlement dates can be fluid and are often delayed.